Corpse Bride is a animated comedy film released on 2005. It is directed by Tim Burton and Mike Johnson. This film is not just an usual comedy animated film, but it also contain musical and supernatural content. Since it is animated, the voice actor is needed. The male main character in this film is Victor Van Dort and it is voiceover by Johny Depp meanwhile the female main character known as Emily, she is a corpse bride, voice over by Helena Bonham Carter. Besides, Victoria Everglot is another female character which is voiceover by Emily Watson. Victor and Victoria are suppose to be getting married but somehow he met Emily.
In this film, German Expressionism is involved. German Expressionism is a filmic style that emerged in Germany from 1919-1926. The animation in this film has the style of German Expressionism because the character are in distorted bodies and shapes.
Besides, the appearance of the character in this film are also not like any usual animated film because the edge of their eyes are very dark which is more on a gothic look. Gothic look are a bizarre setting in German Expressionism’s style.
The lighting in this film are mostly high contrast because it has a dramatic shadows in most scene. Corpse Bride is about a human married with a dead person. Therefore to achieve the atmosphere of dead person, low key lighting are required.
Furthermore, oblique angle are involved in German Expressionism. Oblique angle used mostly when something is not right, and something is going to happen especially when the corpse bride is going to appear.
The content in this film is also surreal and gothic in every perspective. The story line is about a human married a corpse bride which will never happen in real life. The looks of the character also not as a real person because they have tiny hand and leg, their face are unusual because their chin is sharp.
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