The Sixth Sense

               This week I am going talk about the movie “The Sixth Sense”. This movie is a supernatural horror film released on August 6, 1999. The film tells about a boy who is able to see and talk to the dead and a child psychologist who tries to help him. I think one of the objective of this film is to show us the relationship between Cole and his mother. It is not easy for a single mother to raise a little boy who’s a little different from the others. When Cole thinks that his mother always had bad thought about Cole but actually Cole’s mother tried so hard to made him talk to her about every single thing.

              Next, The Sixth Sense shown what really happen in real life in different perspective. The part where Cole tells Malcolm the psychologist his secret is that he can see and talk to dead people. It is said that children are better than adults at seeing ghosts, it seems to be true. In real life, there are many children that see and talk ghost and that what made the adults thinks the children is not normal. Furthermore, the part where Malcolm and his wife, Anna, starts to have relationship problem. It is because he is busy with his work and neglected his wife. This is usually what happen in real life. If one of the person in the relationship neglected their partner, they end up breaks up or divorce. In addition, Cole’s mother is also a good example of the mother in real life who suffer from raise a kid alone. Cole thinks that his mother had bad thought about him but his mother really cares a lot about him. The part where Cole got trapped in the dungeon and once Cole’s mother discovered it, she starts to panic because she afraid to lose her children.

               Another, the synopsis of the film is Cole Sear is a little boy who is a little different from the others. He was haunted by a dark secret, and visited by ghosts. He is afraid to tell anyone about this included his mother. Cole is frightened by the visitor who appear in the dark and he don’t know how to deal with it. Malcolm is a psychologist who tries to help Cole. He tried to expose the truth behind Cole’s problem. At the end of the film, both of them are a bump that awakens them to something unexplainable.

               Meanwhile, the ending of the story really surprised me. It all make sense after watching till the end. The part where Malcolm was late to the anniversary celebration dinner with his wife Anna. His wife was mad that he came late and didn’t want to talk to Malcolm. But the truth is Malcolm was dead at that moment but he doesn’t know that. His wife was celebrating their anniversary alone and she was sad instead of mad because Malcolm is gone forever. Another, right from the start where Cole comes through the door he freezes, his eyes locked on the therapist because he can see dead people. It is very obvious Malcolm is a ghost because Cole is terrified of him when they first meet. Moreover, the part where Malcolm asked Cole if want to play a game, Cole doesn’t actually speak to him during the game just nodding or shaking. It is because he is worried what this ghost’s going to do to him.

               In conclusion, I was very amazed by the plot twist. All of the time I was thinking that Cole is a kid with phychology problem and Malcolm the therapist trying to solve Cole’s problem. But at the end the plot twisted found out Cole can see dead people and therapist is actually a ghost. The fact is Cole actually the one who help Malcolm solved his problem.
