Monster House

Monster house is a animated movie which released on July21, 2006. It was directed by Gil Kenan. This movie is about a haunted house, a house which will turn into a monster. The monster house was possessed by a cranky old man's wife. The wife known as Constance and the cranky old man known as Nebbercracker. His wife hate kids and whenever children get near the house and she will get furious. There are three children in this film which are DJ, Chowder and Jenny to discover the mystery behind this monster house. Besides, although it is a animated movie, the rating on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes still quite high.

How did the house get possessed? The wife died by falling into a hole and her soul got attached to the house. Constance is a circus freak who have obesity and physically abuse by children at the circus which is also the reason why she hates children. Young Nebbercracker who has a crush on Constance decide to help her get out of circus and give her a home. They get married and Nebbercracker gave her a home which is the greatest thing to Constance. Therefore, she tried to protect what she love and when the kids who threatening them she used an axe to against them and that's what make her lose her footing and accidentally fell into a hole. When Nebbercracker complete the house and that's what make her come back to life. It is also a way that Nebbercracker preserve his wife because he keeps her body at the basement and it is not easy to unbury her as DJ accidentally fell on Constance's body it is easily crack. Nebbercracker wants to keep her because he have nobody. The body that he kept somehow found its way to possess the house. Lastly, Nebbercracker knows that he had to kill Constance one day because he is turning old and when he die everything will turns bad. He used the dynamite that he kept in his house to blow her up before everything is too late because the monster house become more like a human. He had to destroy it before the Halloween come and people get hurts.

The story is about three children discover the mystery behind the monster house. They called the cranky old man Mr. Nebbercracker. He is a devil who will chase children out once they step on his house's lawn. The discovery begin when DJ and Chowder saw Jenny walking towards the monster house and they trying to stop her. But it end up the monster house trying to eat Jenny. DJ and Chowder did save her successfully and Jenny wants to know what exactly happen. They find their way to sneak into the house and figure out what's happen. The monster house is actually Nebbercracker's wife who known as Constance. Constance fell into a hole and her body being kept under the house. Her soul possessed the house and she hates Children which makes the monster house attack children.

Based on my research, I figured out that the monster house has a human figure as the tree at the yard of the house is her hands, the door is her teeth and the front windows are the eyes. Moreover, the chandelier is the uvula, this is obviously mentioned in the film. The brain should be at the attic or somewhere between the eyes. The ground of the house just looks exactly like a human's stomach. Furthermore, the reason why Nebbercracker wants to blow her up is because years later he realize what he had created and regret about it. The monster house more and more like a human figure and Nebbercracker have to destroy it before it start walking around and hurting people. It is very obvious that the monster house is more becoming a human at the climax part of the film because it start chasing the DJ, Chowder, Jenny and Nebbercracker.

In conclusion, this film is a good animated movie. Although it is an animated movie and may not happen in real life. But the directed successfully bring the lesson in real life into this film. I learnt that how strong can love be where Constance died but she didn't leave because she love Nebbercracker. Nebbercracker didn't give Constance up even though she became a monster house and attacked children, he still love her just like a human. Another, DJ showed love to Nebbercracker and convince him to let her go when Nebbercracker said he had no one and DJ told him he had the children. Even though Nebbercracker shouted at the children several times but they still willing to help him.
