A Values to Bind and Build :A Reflection

This week we attended a seminar. It was a book launch and public lecture values to bind and build: a reflection. The seminar start from 10am to 12pm at KB105. Therefore, this week I'm gonna talk about what I've learnt in this seminar instead of film.

First of all, the book titled " Values to Bind and Build: A reflection" by YBhg Prof. Dato' Dr. Tan Chong Tin. I'll briefly talk about the book is about the key to understand the psychological drive to ethnic harmony is to appreciate the role of identity, collective self-esteem and dignity. We should have a paradigm shift to how we work at achieving ethnic harmony, and change how we look at each other. The talk started with a issue of what happened recently at Seafield Sri Mariamman temple in Subang Jaya to show the fragile condition of the ethnic relation in Malaysia. Dr. Tan mentioned the ethnic polarization has getting worst in Malaysia since the country has built up a large Bumiputera middle-class. Hence, the main hypothesis of the book is more in-focus about the psychological perspective.

Next, as it mentioned the key to understand the psychological drive to ethnic harmony is to appreciate the role of identity. Dr. Tan mentioned there's  a link  between identity and dignity. The reason why is because when the group that can identifies will is being recognized and accepted; or ignore, marginalized and invisible. To overcome the ethnic polarization is to respect each other's need for identity-dignity to nurture an open minded attitude to different culture, and facilitate and create more opportunities for different communities to live and work together. In my opinion, I can't denied that identities to be respected is a way to overcome the polarization because the different ethnic in Malaysia only value and respect their own ethnic and the mindset of "the country doesn't need any other ethnic" is appeared. Moreover, as identity is multi-layered, a person can have overlapping identities. Strengthen the common Malaysian identity is also important.

Besides, he talked about dignity because there's a link between identity and dignity. But he talk about dignity which based on recognized as competent. He talked about few characteristic and first of all is work ethic. He mentioned and use economically example to explain it. In order to be successful in economic, strong work ethic is very important as he mentioned that work ethic determines economic productivity. In my opinion, I agree with what Dr. Tan said. In every field no matter work field or study field, work ethic is one of the strongest behavior and reason to be successful. With strong work ethic, work can be done with less effort and more efficient as work has been split or distributed and everyone will did their own role and together make the work or task done faster and more effective.

Lastly, dignity based on recognized as good. The core of a man's self-esteem is ultimately moral Maslow's hierarchy of human needs.We should build our future self-esteem and dignity based on "soft power"to attract with our ideals and goodness. In my opinion, if we choose to be good and be moral it will boost up our self-esteem. The reason is because it will change the way people look at you and hence you will get respect and recognition. The fact that goodness is able to attract and exert its influence is the basic urge of man to pursue goodness. I believe that a goodness in someone will influence the poeples around him/her.

In conclusion, 
